RMC has a very equipped ICUs to treat surgical, trauma, Medical, Coronary and neuro cases with a total bed strength of 20 beds. It provides good care with the help of a professional team comprising of Qualified Respiratory therapists, ICU Nurse educators, Critical care nurses, Department secretaries and social workers.
It has all state of the art equipments like multi parameter monitors, modern ventilators, non-invasive ventilators, syringe pumps, infusion pumps, sequential compression device, patient warming system and fluid warmers. CRRT, intermittent haemodialysis, portable X-ray and ECHO cardiograph machines are exclusively available.
The hospital has transport monitor, ventilator and good critical care ambulances. The ICUs are fully backed by good biochemistry, microbiology, nutrition & radiology services. Critically ill patients are managed here and all the vital parameters of patients are monitored continuously.
Acute and chronic renal failure, hepato cellular failure, poisons, snake bites, septicemia, Severe infections and shock are carefully monitored and treated here.